
Climate Now Videos

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A Climate Change Primer Ep 5

Climate Policy Levers

Which climate policies will help countries transition to net-zero emissions? What are the pros and cons of these policies, and how does the United States compare to the rest of the world in implementing a carbon price? Climate Now spoke with Dr. Danny Richter,

Background image for Net-Zero by 2050
Featured image for Net-Zero by 2050

Research Ep 1

Net-Zero by 2050

Pledges to achieve “net-zero” emissions are proliferating from companies and countries alike. However sincere these commitments may be, they rarely include specific plans to achieve that ambition. The Net-Zero America Report from Princeton Universi

Background image for Social Cost of Carbon
Featured image for Social Cost of Carbon

A Climate Change Primer Ep 4

Social Cost of Carbon

How are the benefits of new climate policies weighed against the costs of their implementation? Climate economists and scientists have created a value called the social cost of carbon in order to better understand the cost/benefit relationship of climate polic

Background image for Costs of Climate Change
Featured image for Costs of Climate Change

A Climate Change Primer Ep 3

Costs of Climate Change

It's hard to put a dollar number on the destruction of the great barrier reef. And we don't know exactly how much it's going to warm where. But we can take physical estimates and quantify the range of monetary impacts that climate change might cost.  In this video, we examine the projected costs of climate change in human health, agriculture, sea level rise and extreme weather, labor and energy, and migration.

Background image for How dirty are we?
Featured image for How dirty are we?

A Climate Change Primer Ep 2

How dirty are we?

Global greenhouse gas emissions reached a staggering 52 gigatons of CO2-warming equivalent in 2020. Our episode puts this number into historical context, parses our global emissions by country and economic sector, and delves into the key economic and demographic drivers of emissions worldwide.

Background image for How we know it’s happening
Featured image for How we know it’s happening

A Climate Change Primer Ep 1

How we know it’s happening

How do we know the climate is changing? How do we know that change is being caused by human activities? Climate Now video hosts Ozak Esu and James Lawler delve into the science that answers these questions with MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel.

Background image for Welcome to Climate Now
Featured image for Welcome to Climate Now

A Climate Change Primer Ep 0

Welcome to Climate Now

Climate Now is a multimedia platform distilling the key science, technologies, and policies relevant to the climate crisis.